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New 2box Info Website

Started by mcrackins, November 24, 2014, 07:41:16 AM

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Saw this on the 2box twitter feed, looks like they've started an info site. -

and this was just posted yesterday


Looks like it's been put up by the German distributor.


Dang, are these videos cool or what? I think this is something secretly awaited by quite a few users (I know I did!) ...bummer they didn't include english versions or at least subtitles... - Would have been nice for our international friends!  ...maybe they (Hyperactive Distribution Germany) will yet add some English ones in the future - we'll see.

:rock: :rock:

Wait a minute, wait a minute.... There are English videos available!!!  8)
...the site's language-settings seems to be a little messed up at present!  ;)

Once again:  :rock:


Am I missing the point Danoh? The videos on that website are in English..


Yep, you're absolutely correct!  :)

...either yours truly had a weak moment or the language-settings on the website itself are still a tad quirky...



I thought they rushed though some bits but i do now understand a little better about this layering of sounds that couldnt figure what guys meant before. Also i have a bit more understaning about the hi hat zones and configeration system ... But they could go into more detaiks and slower.   
I thing absolute newbies may find my own videos of help too.