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2Box Drumit 5 Forum => DrumIt 3 and DrumIt 5 Software - PC / Mac => Topic started by: Dr.Skins on March 09, 2014, 01:54:23 AM

Title: Def Leppard Hysteria drum sounds
Post by: Dr.Skins on March 09, 2014, 01:54:23 AM
Hi does anyone know of any VST  that has Def Leppard Hysteria drum sounds or close to it? I bought addictive drums reel machines expansion but it doesn't come close,any help is much appreciated thanks.
Title: Re: Def Leppard Hysteria drum sounds
Post by: Greg the groove on March 09, 2014, 03:37:41 AM
If you can find the sounds, simply sample it and use it as a wav file on the 2Box!
Title: Re: Def Leppard Hysteria drum sounds
Post by: dj_porter on March 09, 2014, 10:52:54 PM
Def Leppard used a Simmons SDS7 for the sounds, there is not any VST with Simmons sds7 original will need to sample the sounds from the original drum module like I did or buy the drum module.
Title: Re: Def Leppard Hysteria drum sounds
Post by: Dänoh on March 10, 2014, 10:37:58 PM
Like dj_porter said, for the Live-setup of Hysteria, Rick Allen was using a Simmons SDS-7.
He was firing off samples from an AKAI S-900 sampler, containing samples from his old acoustic (Ludwig-) kit, and blending them with the SDS-7's sounds.

For the Hysteria recording-sessions, it is unclear to me, what samples Mutt Lange/Rick Allen were using exactly. I think they were using a Fairlight CMI to sequence songs (...maybe even to fire off drumsamples), and an AMS sampler (heard in the middle-part of 'Rocket', it was used to trigger bits and snippets of other songs), but the AKAI S-900 would be available since January 1986, so that's a possibility, too.

The demos for Hysteria were made with Fostex X-14 multi-trackers and an Oberheim DMX drum machine (as detailed in the 'Classic Albums: Hysteria' dvd). I have no reference, whether samples of the DMX found their way onto the actual, finished Hysteria record, onto the harddrives of the studio's samplers, or even into the AKAI machine that was used live, but the possibility for this can not be excluded, so you might take into condsideration samples from the DMX as well...

By the way:
If you are after the sound of of the PYROMANIA-album , look no further than the samples of a LinnDrum LM-2!   ...the most evident example would be the (uncredited) track 'March of the wooden zombies' - allegedly, it was created while Rick was just 'goofing around' with the pattern/programming of the LM-2... ;)

You can also hear a healthy dose of the Simmons 'Clap Trap' on 'Rock of Ages'. There were two versions of it - the original (analog) and the 'Digital Clap Trap, not sure if was already available, when Pyromania was recorded.

As for the actual sample-libraries, to get you in a Leppard-direction:

The one product that springs to my mind imediately would be the expansion/ADpak 'Reel Machines' for XLN Audio's Addictive Drums. This will not feature the SDS-7, but rather the older (analog) SDS-5, but should get you fairly close - at least as part of a layered-samples .dsnd! 'Reel Machines' was overseen/adviced/helped-out by Wolfgang Stölzle, founder of the 'Simmons Museum', so with his blessing, you can rest assured it sounds authentic!

2box itself has a 'Synth Drum' .dkit as part of their website-downloads, that sounds rather promising. Worth a try!

I'm sure there's lots of choice here... AD has the ADpaks 'Retro' and 'Vintage Dry', that could get you along. Superior offers SDX's 'Custom & Vintage' and New York Studios with Ludwig kit-content, and I'll bet there's a Luddy or two included in BFD3, too!

Linn & Oberheim drummachines:
Check out the 'Spark Vintage' software-package from Arturia. It features samples from both. Another good mention would be 'Cult Sampler by Best Service, which has a rich assortment of drum-machines, among all the other samples from vintage synths and keyboards. Nice Stuff!

A detailed layout of Rick Allen's Live-setup can be seen here:


The accompanying interview from 'Modern Drummer' magazine (March 1988) can be read in full, it floats around the internet somewhere. Above picture was taken from said MD-issue!

Title: Re: Def Leppard Hysteria drum sounds
Post by: dj_porter on March 10, 2014, 11:22:56 PM
As I said, it is a Simmons SDS7 connected to 2 x MTM's, thats all
The XLN Audio reel machines it's awful...
Title: Re: Def Leppard Hysteria drum sounds
Post by: Dr.Skins on March 12, 2014, 06:13:21 AM
Thank you all for your input, guess I'll just have to cross my fingers and hope some company puts a vst pack of the sounds I need.