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digitalDrummer November is live

Started by digitalDrummer, October 31, 2012, 01:26:03 AM

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The latest issue of digitalDrummer, the only publication dedicated to electronic percussion, is now live and subscribers should receive their alert today.
This gear-filled edition includes the most comprehensive side-by-side review of multi-pad devices ever assembled and there’s the first look at the “multipad on steroids”, Alternate Mode’s new trapKat 5KS.
The magazine also features the first review of the e-drum debut from Italy, Mark Drum’s YES kit.
Our profiled artist is drummer, educator and innovator Peter Erskine, and he shares views on drumming, electronics and training media.
The November edition contains the regular mix of reviews, news, advice and DIY tips â€" everything the electronic drummer needs to know.
Nothing 2box-specific in this issue - but Cymbalismmusic is flying the 2box flag in its ad!
As usual, digitalDrummer is still totally free â€" and available now at a screen or mobile device near you.


Thanx. Also reread the review from 2011. I like it because it is objective and realistic.
2Box Drumit 5 Mk2 since 2012