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2Box Mystery in US

Started by hemiboy, January 21, 2014, 12:49:13 AM

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Stopped by Guitar Center today to grab some lug bolts and I noticed a 2 box brochure sitting on the desk by the register. So a guy who had been there for an hour looking at v drums asked the GC salesperson what 2 box was and he replied. Yeah that guy was here today about that thing? That Thing? I love my 2 box and  I have to ask . Why aren't there banners in the showroom, advertisements everywhere, and how about at least a display kit? When the potential buyer asked  if he could have the brochure the G C salesman said that was the only one he had. I had this same guitar center get me my 2 box module and a year later they still know nothing about this product. I have no problem with guitar center or the kid who was working there, today. Incidentally the kid working at Gc has been there over 2 years and is a very good  drummer. I just want to know this . Why is there so much mystery surrounding this product in the US? I thought the Roland patent thing was over. I can only assume that they just can't produce and distribute enough modules and kits to get over this, ( What is that orange thing?$ I want to see this product make it! Come on Hoshino and 2 Box, wake up already, enough is enough!


I hope that this gets sorted out soon. I am finally able to work this into my budget to buy one of these kits and every time I look it's being pushed off further. Now recently I got my hopes up again seeing that Navene K is being sponsored by 2Box. That's great and all but I thought the point of that was so he could showcase the kit to boost sales. So now I'm at the point where I want them to shut up and take my money no one has any to sell.  >:(


I know its not the time nor place but my experience with GC has not been good. Sure these guys working there are decent musicians but that doesn't make you a good salesman. Most don't know what the hell they're doing... Unfortunately I don't have many options so most of my purchases have gone online to musicians friend or amazon. Lets hope they get with the program soon.


I wanted to clear the air, once again, that I have no beef with guitar center or it's employees. So true that there are salespeople in all industries, that really don't know what they are doing. As far as my situation, I clearly realized the other day, that there is a huge breakdown between 2 Box,  Hoshino, and their dealer network. The salesman doesn't know about 2 box,  because management hasn't clued them in. Why, because management doesnt know. the old trickle down theory! Anyway,  I am confident that it will get sorted out at some point. I also think that Roland is still busting chops and watching their every move., and with the potential amount of money involved, no wonder! I wish Bengt and the rest of the boys at 2 box all the best! It is easy for me to sit in my living room and pass judgement, but jumping through all the hoops that 2 box has must be extremely difficult!


 It is kinda weird. The online shops are stocked with 2Box in Europe ( and since this month but 2Box is on a very low profile. Maybe because the current stock is limited or maybe because they do have a hard time with Roland and Yamaha. They clearly operate in a niche but what a niche it is.
2Box Drumit 5 Mk2 since 2012


I don't really see what the "mystery" is....If you want one...just buy one from Scott. He seems to have the in stock. To heck with GC and MF. ::)


One thing for sure is that if Erik from Rmc  Audio Direct had this product he would do a hell of a job promoting it. But, I know for a fact that he tried to get 2 box several times with no interest from 2 box. I have also heard all good about Scott from Cymbalism as we'll. just for the record. I needed the financing at the time hence the purchase from guitar center and when. I ordered my module, I had to tell GC that they were a dealer! Try to feel warm and fuzzy buying something under those conditions! I don't buy anything from GC now but sticks or lug bolts!


Hemiboy-You are wise to only purchase little stuff only at GC. The only reason and I mean the only reason go into GC is to look at new products since they get them quicker than most smaller shops and to buy sticks or heads if I run into a gig emergency. Luckily, I buy my sticks by the case at smaller mom and pop drum shops.

2Box will not be represented properly at GC because they get NO product training of any kind. New stuff shows up and they assemble it and put a price tag on it. Local GC is so bad, guys from the guitar shop and audio dept have to come in to help drum dept customers since every decent drum guy they get quits or goes on tour with his band.


I ordered my kit on June 3rd 2013 in Canada. That is now over 7 months waiting. I was originally told August delivery, then November. I finally got confirmation from the store, that 2box was just finishing off the kits and would be shipped next week. I still won't see it until February though!....This info apparently came direct from 2box.

I found a floor model kit out of province, but sounded like it's been on the floor for quite some time. Didn't want to buy used sight unseen at not much of a discount.

I find Tama's marketing of this has been atrocious. You're trying to get back into the Vdrum game and you have an awesome kit to push...then just do it!...quit dragging your arse and pissing people off. There's this new thing called building up hype and anticipation.  ;)


I have said it before. If I could go back and do it all over again with my journey with e drums, I would buy a used practice pad kit a cheap pair of headphones and just practice my technique. In my spare time I would go to every guitar center or Sam ash and  play everything they own, ask a million questions, and buy nothing . Also,  I would pick everybody's brains on all the forums and delay gratification until I really knew what was what . I bought a lot of e stuff that I really didn't need or want. The answer was right in front of me the whole time. Electrify my 46 year old  Ludwigs and plug into  2 box. Supernatural and behavior modeling my -ss. If I want something supernatural, I will take a look at my old lady without her make up on. I wanted to play drums that sound like drums and now I am. Thank god my girl doesn't have my log in info.


Quote from: hemiboy on January 22, 2014, 06:16:54 AM
Supernatural and behavior modeling my -ss. If I want something supernatural, I will take a look at my old lady without her make up on. I wanted to play drums that sound like drums and now I am. Thank god my girl doesn't have my log in info.

LOL! You owe me a laptop :o....I just spit water all over it. ;)


Poor McCrackin, Been following your saga with your wait! I know it sucks! As far as used there won't be a significant difference in the numbers between a new and  used 2 box because of the unavailibility but with good pics and a decent interrogation from the seller, you probably would have been playing one by now. I did the same thing and was offered at least 2 used ones from reliable sources,  and I was stubborn and waited for the new one and suffered.


I was lucky and wise to buy a 2box from the floor (only 2 weeks on display). In 2012 there was also a huge delay in delivery.
2Box Drumit 5 Mk2 since 2012


Quote from: hemiboy on January 21, 2014, 12:49:13 AM
When the potential buyer asked  if he could have the brochure the G C salesman said that was the only one he had.

??? even 2box-brochures get scarce... Fascinating!

Seriously, I've heard that in order to create Demand, you simply have to make sure that there's Limited availability.... Do you think any of this comes into play, here?  8)

All of this reminds me of the following quote by 'Hockeylifer':

Quote from: hockeylifer;n969019Get a 2Box and a few WMD's. The later to blow up the Banjo Center for not carrying the former. (Kidding in poor taste)

Evil!.... Evil, I tell you!


I agree with that basic marketing concept of using limited supply to creat hype and enthusiasm for a product but sooner or later stop the drum roll, open the curtain, and let everybody see the MF'r , dammit!